Most days for our little family starts the same way. Violet wakes up and singles the start of the day. I take her downstairs and I change her and get her first bottle of the day. We then spend the morning together. Its time I enjoy spending the morning with my little girl.
Of curse during this time our little man usually makes his way down the stairs and joins us. He usually takes a little while before he is really awake. Its quite common to climb onto my lap while I am feeding Violet. Of course having to kids on my lap makes getting up to get Jacob some breakfast a bit of a challenge.
Of course on most days I try and let Melissa sleep as late as possible. She gets to spend the whole day with the kids, the morning is mine and I don’t like to share. Of course there is only so much time I can spend with the kids in the morning before I have to run off to work. The time I do get I cherish. Its almost enough t make me a morning person.
You appreciate the time with your kids and I'm sure Melissa appreciates the extra time in bed.
You appreciate the time with your kids and I’m sure Melissa appreciates the extra time in bed.