Another month goes by and so we have another picture of me… nothing exciting just a simple self photo taken with my phones camera.
Project 365-177: Getting ready to face the day
It’s probably not a good thing that on most mornings the first thing I do is brew a pot of coffee. Now this wouldn’t be such a bad thing except in my house I’m the only one who drinks coffee. Sure my mom when she watches the kids will have a cup but she’s cutting …
Continue reading Project 365-177: Getting ready to face the day
Project 365-176: Evening Ride with Jacob
For my evening workout Jacob climbed into the trailer and I hoped on my bike and away we went. When we started I wasn’t sure where we were going, I just knew I wanted to ride for at least 30 minutes, and Jacob wanted to go to a park to eat his skittles. View Larger …
Continue reading Project 365-176: Evening Ride with Jacob
Project 365-175: Going for a walk
What great day to head outside and go for a walk. That’s exactly what our little family did today. Of course after the short walk around our house we realized that it was too great a day to waste. So we climbed on to our bikes and headed out for a ride. Unfortunately we didn’t …
Continue reading Project 365-175: Going for a walk
Projecg 365-174: Summer time treats
At the supermarket today and I saw a big display of Marshmallows chocolate and gram crackers… I guess its time for smores. I really should have picked some up. Related articles by Zemanta S’mores Keyboard ( Top Off Your Favorite Summer Treat with NOT JUST CEREAL™ ( 5 Best S’mores Recipes (
Project 365-173: 20 Pounds and count…
Ever since Melissa joined Jenny I have struggled with how I would lose the weight that I need to lose. So far I haven’t found an eating plan that I can stick to. After a day or to I always seem to fall off the wagon, with junk food snack her or forgetting to log …
Continue reading Project 365-173: 20 Pounds and count…
Project 365-172: Domestic Mama
Getting home to a nice cooked meal is always great, and Melissa does it when ever she can. Tonight was a night that she managed, well shortage. She had the Salid, Veggies and rice done, but I BBQed the chicken when I got home. Any time I girt to cook on flame its a good …
Continue reading Project 365-172: Domestic Mama
Project 365-171: Picture Time
Today was a day to renew healthcards for me and Jacob. While Jacob still wont have a picture on his I took it anyway
Beyond the Gym
I find it strange how the Gym has become the focus of my working out, when I started it was running. When we joined the gym my running seemed to take a back seat. To be fair the gym has a lot of perks, no weather, good equipment, sauna but I think that I’m missing …
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Project 365-170: After Workout Snack
Tonight was another night at the gym so when I got home I grabbed a snack from tube fridge