Saturday we celebrated Jacobs birthday with friends and family. We held it at Nana and Papa’s in there backyard, till the rain started. Luckily for use it held out till we were just about ready to head in for Presents and Cake. The Bouncy house was a big hit with every one.
Project 365-162: Carpet Cleaning
Today we tackled some of the spring cleaning jobs we’d been putting off. Like cleaning our carpets. It was a lot of work but we got most of it done and It feels good knowing its done.
Project 365-161: A moment with granddad
Today we held Jacob’s party at Nana and Papa’s house. It went great the only problem I am having is deciding which picture to use for my picture of the day. I choose this one because I thought it was nice to see Jacob hanging with my day and because it’s the only one I …
Continue reading Project 365-161: A moment with granddad
Project 365-160: Watching Jacob Play
With all the running around to get things ready for Jacob’s party, I didn’t think I’d have a momment to myself. It turns out that found a few minutes while Violet slept and Jacob played.
Project 365-159: Pumped Up!
Today after work Jacob spent the evening outside. While there took a moment to fix up his bike before trying to ride around the playground.
Project 365-158: Birthday Presents
Today was Jacobs Birthday and he really enjoyed opening the presents from mommy and daddy.
Project 365-157: Delays
Today I was walking down young street and saw a long line of bus waiting to fill in for the shutdown subway.
Project 365-156: Late night subway
Monday night, trivia night. Well that’s what it used to be, in the before time. Before family responsibility and scheduling made it hard to get out on a, Monday night. Tonight the scheduling worked out so I found myself at the dodger with the team, it was good to get out. Now if I was …
Continue reading Project 365-156: Late night subway
Project 365-155: The Chase
Today we have a picture I took while Liam and Jacob were playing in the park. I’m not sure if they were running to get somewhere or if Jacob was chasing Liam but they were flying around the little playground near our house and I thought It’d make a good picture of the day.
Project 365-154: My Girls
Today we have a picture of the two most important ladies in my life. There are so much I could say about the two of them, but I think I’ll leave it to the picture.