From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today Melissa and I headed out to Ribfest to enjoy an afternoon in the sun, without the kids. It was a great afternoon, with great ribs. Though I admit it was a little strange to have no kids around all day, and it blows my mind to think we have …
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POD: Happy Campers
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today we packed the kids into Nana and Papa’s van and waved good-bye. They are off for 4 days and 3 nights of camping fun, while Melissa and I hunt for things to do in the city without kids. I think it’s the longest we’ve been without kids since …
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POD: Last day of School
From Pictures of the Day 2012 To was Jacob’s last day of kindergarten, in 2 short months he starts grade 1. Where has my baby boy gone?
POD: Posing
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Some day’s it’s like pulling teeth to get the kids to pose for me, today they both climbed up on the rock and asked me to take their picture. So who am I to argue with such wonderful kids.
POD: Final swing of the Season
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today was the last day of Jacob’s T-Ball season. After two months of games twice a week, we’re done for another year. I wonder what we’ll do with our Tuesday nights, and Saturday mornings.
POD: Sliding into Grade 1
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today Jacob’s class celebrated the SKs moving into Grade one. Each SK student slide down the slide and was welcomed to grade one by a current grade one. It was a fun day for all the kids
POD: Trying to photograph the kids
From Pictures of the Day 2012 While on the way to exchange a pair of sandals for Jacob, I tried to capture a picture of my to little ones, together. It’s not an easy task. At the time I wasn’t happy with any of them, but when I looked at them on the bigger screen …
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POD: Watching the Game
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today was the last Saturday morning Jacob will have to be at the diamond for 9. Tuesday will be the last game of the season. While watching him today I captured this picture of some of his teammates and him watching the game. As I sat there watching I …
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POD: Art Break
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today I took the kids off to Pizza Pizza for dinner, Jacob wanted to use his birthday coupon. On our way we walked past the new art store Painty McGees (, the kids thought it would be fun to check it out. To be fair they saw the little …
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POD: Turkey Burgers
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today I came home to find that Melissa had made a batch of Turkey burgers for me to grill. I’ve really enjoyed some of the food creations Melissa has made recently, and today was no different. Though I think it was my grilling, and not the flavourful pineapple salsa.