From Pictures of the Day 2012 It’s funny on the way home today I calculated that today is 902 day that I’ve posted a picture. Of course that was before I realized I had no picture for today. So I thought about different things I could take a picture of, the kids sleeping, one of …
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POD: Blooming Lilly
From Pictures of the Day 2012 When I saw that our Lilly’s were blooming I couldn’t help but snap a couple of pictures. So even though I have a few T-Ball pics I thought I’d change up my picture of the day with a pretty flower.
POD: Fun in the Water
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today after school the kids and I headed to the local splash pad for some fun. Of course, when we got there it seemed like the temperature dropped 5 degrees and the kids didn’t spend much time in the water. Still it was great to watch the kids running …
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POD: Father’s day fun
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today was fathers day, we planned on spending it at Centreville, but the threat of rain made us go to Fantasy Land at the Woodbine Centre instead. The big plus that fathers were free with the purchase of a kids pass, so Papa and I could go on the rides with …
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POD: Violet’s first Recital
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today Violet took part in her first dance recital. She was so excited to get out on the stage and dance. It makes the year of getting to her Saturday 9am dance class worth it. The picture was taken after the recital, with all her flowers that she wouldn’t …
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POD: Choosing a Game
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today while Violet and Melissa were at ballet rehearsal Jacob and I headed to square one, where Jacob picked out a game. Jacob was thrilled to use the EB Games gift card he got for his birthday to pick up Mario Party 8 for the Wii.
POD: After dinner trip to the playground
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today I took the kids out for dinner, just me and the kids, letting mommy head out for a bit of a walk. On our way back we stopped by a playground so the kids could play a little. While there I took a few pictures, mostly of Violet …
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POD: Growing collection
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today I have a picture of some of Jacob’s new games. He now has a game for all of our consoles.
POD: T-Ball Day
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today was T-Ball day, and so the family headed out to the diamond to watch Jacob played. Unfortunately where we were sitting was facing the sun making it hard to capture the action. I did take a few pictures of the clouds and was happy to find that with …
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POD: It Begins
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today I was at Violet’s preschool annual general meeting. While there I picked up the artwork that she did at the open house last week. Only disappointing this was Violet was already a sleep when I got back so she couldn’t see it.