From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today we celebrated Jacob’s birthday with Friends and family Chuck E. Cheese. A great time was had by all, and there were lots of pictures. unfortunately I didn’t have the time t put together a full post. for now enjoy this picture of Jacob after he’d blown out his …
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POD: Jacob Turns 6
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today was Jacob’s birthday and we celebrated it as a family. It was such a full day, I decided to put together a collage of it. Of course it wasn’t till I was putting together the pictures I took during the day that I realised that we didn’t capture …
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POD: Cupcakes Round 2
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Another day and another batch of cupcakes. These are for our little birthday’s boy T-Ball team. Tomorrow my little boy turns 6, it seems so unreal.
POD: Cupcakes Round 1
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Tonight the family (by that I mean Melissa) made cupcakes to take to Jacob’s class tomorrow. I know Jacob is excited about taking cupcakes to his class tomorrow. Of course tomorrow night we get to do it all over again for his T-Ball game Saturday.
POD: Violet’s Car
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today Violet decided to make a car from an old Cat Litter box, complete with a seat belt. It was so cute to watch her play. It just goes to show you don’t always need expensive toys.
POD: Climbing
Violet climbs in the playground near Jacob’s T-Ball. Usually Violet plays with other kids next to the diamond, to-day she really wanted to play in the playground, which was the other side of the field. We waited till after Jacob’s game and both kids played before we headed home.
POD: Pre-School Open House
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today we headed down to Violet’s preschool for an open house. It’s the first time she’s been in the school, and she was very excited. Of course she’s not happy that she has to wait till September to go every day, but what can you do. Once again I …
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POD: Clouds
From Pictures of the Day 2012 We had a very strange weather weekend this weekend. Most of the time it looked like it was about to rain, but really only raided a little. Of course that leaves out Friday’s crazy winds. While Melissa and I spent sometime together this afternoon, I snapped this picture of …
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POD: Saturday Morning Activities
Saturday mornings are busy for our little family, with ballet and T-Ball happening at the same time. Of course with Violet’s recital in 2 weeks we won’t have many more of these Saturday morning trips.
POD: Chloe watches
From Pictures of the Day 2012 I came home today to find Violet napping on the couch, that’s not unusual but seeing her with her Hello Kitty and Chloe it seemed like a moment I wanted to capture. It looks like Chloe is watching over her.