From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today Melissa and Violet headed off to Ikea with Auntie Susanne, while there Melissa picked up a treat for me. Chocolate covered marshmallows. It’s been a while since I had them, probably not the best snack after a 12k run.
POD: Morning Suprise
From Pictures of the Day 2012 This evening we had a board meeting, and after words I brought home a little treat for my little ones. Is it wrong to have Donuts for breakfast? Or should I wait till after lunch to give the kids there treat?
POD: Having a rest
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Another day working from home with the kids, with an unexpected trip into my office. While on the way back I capture this picture of the kids, resting after climbing up a long flight of stairs.
POD: Saying Good bye?
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today was a work from home day, which allowed the family to head out to th 5pm family swim at the local out-door pool. I captured today’s picture of the day as we were heading out. It seems strange that it might be the last time the family heads …
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POD: 48 Days
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today we have a picture of me after my evening run. I chose this for my picture of the day, because in 7 short weeks (48 Days) I plan on running a half marathon. I’ve planed to run it all summer, but I haven’t been training like I intend …
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POD: Going to a ride
From Pictures of the Day 2012 We spent the morning relaxing before heading back to the city and they convinced me that I wanted to go for a ride on the 4 wheeler. I figured since the kids went last night I should see what a ll the fuss was about.
POD: Camp Fire
Today we headed out to a family gathering in Fenelon Falls. It’s been a great day, but we brought the good camera and all my pictures are on it and my computer is at home. So for my picture of the day today is of the campfire we sat around at the end of a …
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POD: Final treat at the CNE
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today our little family headed out for our annual trip to the Ex. It was looking like we wouldn’t be able to make. With our weekends booked for the rest of the summer. But this afternoon the stars aligned and we headed out to have a family day at …
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POD: Walking to Hockey Camp
From Pictures of the Day 2012 This morning the family walked over to the Mastercard Centre for Hockey Excellence for Jacob’s Hockey camp. I captured this picture of Jacob and violet walking together, before heading off to work for the day. I can’t believe tomorrow is the last day of camp. I wonder when the …
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POD: A fish called Rapunzel
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today we have a picture of our newest family pet. A Betta fish the kids won as part of the centre piece at the wedding on Saturday. They were very excited to bring home the little fish. We let the kids choose the name and it was Violet who …
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