From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today we headed out to do some shopping at the local big box mall, while we walked up the kids wanted to pose with the penguins. It surprised me I think it’s the first time I’ve got a picture with the kids next to the Smart!Centres penguins.
POD: Helmet
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today I thought I’d share a picture of Jacob’s fancy new helmet. I should have a picture of Jacob wearing the helmet, but he was in bed for I decided on my picture of the day.
POD: Hockey Stars
From Pictures of the Day 2012 With Jacob’s hockey camp just over a week away it was time to see how much our little guy had grown. To see what new equipment he would need. After a trip out with Melissa and Papa to get new shin pads, helmet and stick he’s ready to hit …
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POD: Violet’s Gallery
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today we have a picture of our fridge, that Violet has turned into a gallery of her artwork. Our little girl really does loves to draw and colour, I’m just glad she put these up before added a second layer of colouring on it.
POD: Harvesting Tomatoes
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today I helped harvest some Tomatoes from a friends garden. It amuses me how much I like a freshly picked tomatoes.
POD: Heading to the Pool
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today while Melissa was at work, the kids and I headed down to the local pool. The kids couldn’t wait to get there.
POD: Morning Lessons
From Pictures of the Day 2012 This morning Jacob sat down to do some math in his new Grade 2 math book. Violet pulled out the iPad and did some math and reading using an App Melissa got for Jacob when he was littler.
POD: Evening Ride
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today after dinner I thought it’d be good for the kids to get out side for some fun in the evening sun. It was Violet who insisted that they ride their bikes, so off we went to Rabba to get an after dinner treat. It’s amazing how well Violet …
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POD: Lakeshore Mardi Gras
From Pictures of the Day 2012 It’s becoming a yearly tradition to head out to the Lakeshore Mardi Gras, and the kids don’t seem to mind.
POD: Christmas in August?
From Pictures of the Day 2012 Today while picking up a few things at Costco, we were shocked to see an isle of Christmas things. It just seems wrong that August is just beginning and they are selling Christmas stuff. It was bad enough seeing the rack of Halloween costumes, but Christmas. Come on Costco.