Saturday mornings, once a time for relaxing and recovering from a night out are now one of my busiest days of the week. With Violet’s 9:30 Ballet class and Jacob’s Hockey, which this season can start any time between 10:45 am and 12:50 pm. Add to that any errand that we’ve left for our weekends and it seems that the idea of a relaxing Saturday morning is lost. At least until the kids can get themselves to their Saturday morning activities.
So Are Relaxing Sunday’s a possibility? On Sunday’s without an early morning hockey practice (It’s either 8 am or 9 am) when the kids head to church with their Nan, there is a chance. But most mornings that happens we’ve so many other things that are easier to do without the kids that we find ourselves rushing around getting them down instead of having a relaxing morning.
Of course I wouldn’t change it for the world, I love watching my kids at there various activities, seeing them improve and grow is worth the loss relaxing weekends where there is nothing to do but sleep. There was a Saturday in the beginning of summer this year, where the kids had gone camping with their Nana and Papa and Melissa had the weekend off that we found ourselves, alone in bed after 9 am. It’s the last real lazy day that I can think of, and it probably will happen again. So Lazy Saturday’s might be an endangered species around this house, they aren’t yet extinct.