From Picture of the Day 2013 Another month ends and so It’s time for a picture of me. Instead of the usual bore picture today I thought I’d snap the picture at the Jays game tonight. the Jays beat the Red Sox 9-7. Now it’s time for bed.
POD: Jacob’s night time friends
From Picture of the Day 2013 Tonight Jacob reminded me for all the growing up he’s done, he’s still a little boy. Shortly after I had tucked him in for the night, while I was listening to Violet tell me a bed time story, I heard him climb out of his bed. He came into …
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POD: Melissa’s Dress
From Picture of the Day 2013 Today for a picture of the day I have a picture of Melissa modeling her new dress. She continues to grow her wardrobe for her new body and I really like to show off how far she’s come.
POD: Adventuring
From Picture of the Day 2013 Today we headed out with our kids and our Nieces for a day of fun, that included Bowling, Castle playground and make your own pizza’s.
POD: Violet’s Kites
From Picture of the Day 2013 Tonight I thought I’d share a picture of the two kite’s Violet made in her pre-school. When she brought them home, I thought back to the day Jacob brought home his kite from pre-school (Project 365-115: Lets go fly a kite) and thanks to my project 365 I can …
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POD: Waiting for School
From Picture of the Day 2013 Today when I was dropping Violet off at her afternoon class, I was taken by how pretty the lake looked. I tried to Convince Violet to walk closer to the lake so I could get a picture of her in front of it. Unfortunately she was having none of …
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POD: Cold Brewing
From Picture of the Day 2013 Last night I tried my first batch of cold brewed coffee. It turned out pretty good, though having a cold cup of coffee in the morning seemed strange. My only complaint with it was it didn’t seem as strong as I expected. So I setup a second batch with …
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POD: Climbing Adventures.
From Picture of the Day 2013 Today after school my Mom took the kids down to the lake for a little adventure. The Kids love going on adventures with their Nan. I love when she takes pictures of the kids fun and I can use them for my Picture of the Day. I’m sure as …
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POD: Skating with Papa
From Picture of the Day 2013 Monday is Violet’s skating class and today I arrived at the rink as her class was ending. Letting me captured this picture of her with Papa after her lesson.
POD: Melissa’s 10k
From Picture of the Day 2013 Today Melissa tackled her first 10k run. Her and Danny ran the Young street course in 1:06:56.2. I’m so proud of her. She has worked so hard and accomplished so much. It’s truly inspirational.