Violet love Ruby, but she hasn’t learned when to just let her sleep. Tonight she lay down next to her and didn’t stop till Ruby was on top of her. Of course it’s a cute picture.
POD: Sleeping Ruby
Today I have a picture of ruby asleep in her bed. I’m not sure why she curled up under her pillow but there she is, happily sleeping.
POD: Big Game
Today we had a rare Wednesday hockey game. Jacob’s team had game 3 of the semi finals. They needed to win or tie to move on to the finals. It was an intense game, with both teams giving it their all. The other team managed to tie the game with a minute thirty to go, …
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POD: Walking to school
As the Ruby has gotten older and the weather gotten warmer Ruby has started joining us as we walk to school in the mornings. Today they kids wanted to hold her leash and I captured this picture as we walked. It’s nice to see Jacob taking an interest in Ruby.
POD: Playground Panorama
Today after dinner the kids played with friends in the playground. After taking Ruby for a walk I let her spend some time playing with the kids. I captured today’s POD Panorama while they played.
POD: Reading to Ruby
This morning while Ruby was napping Violet picked up a story book, and started to read to her. It was such a sweet moment.
POD: Playoff Action
Today was playoff day for our kids hockey teams, and both of their teams had big wins. Violet’s team is off to the finals next Saturday, while Jacob’s faces a game 3 on Wednesday night and as long as they don’t loose it they will be heading off to the finals.
POD: Ruby Poses
Today during Ruby’s after dinner walk we went to the empty playground to let her have a little off leash time. While there she was playing she took a moment to lay on the little slide. So out came my phone and I captured this cute picture of our little Ruby.
POD: Violet and Ruby
I captured today’s picture this morning. After taking care of the kids, and dog’s morning routine I had headed up to get myself ready for work. When I came back down I found Violet and Ruby laying on the floor. It was so cute that I knew it would be the picture of the day. …
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POD: Winter Wonderland
Today our fair city was reminded that spring is still 9 days away with what I hope is one last snow storm. It started snowing in the morning and didn’t stop for the entire day. Looking at the snow cover streets I knew I had to capture it for today’s picture of the day.