Today Violet had a bit of an adventure. Started with a ride on the Subway with Melissa, followed up with spending the day with her buddy Ben and his parents. When I first saw the picture of Violet sitting their on the subway looking out the window I smiled, and thought back to my childhood …
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POD: Keeping Watch
Today after dinner Jacob and I took Ruby to the big park for some exercise. While there Jacob went to play in the playground and I took Ruby to run around, as we walked back to get Jacob on the way home she sat on the hill and just watched over the playground. She looked …
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POD: Snuggling with Ruby
Today we have a picture of Ruby as she snuggled up with me and the kids throughout the day. On the left we see her snuggling with Jacob as he plays his WiiU, a cute picture and one that makes me smile. There was a time I didn’t think Jacob would ever let her do …
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POD: Morning at the Park
This morning after breakfast Violet and I took Ruby to the big park. I wanted to start her day with some fun. It was fun watching her play in the snow. I’m not sure who had more fun, Violet or Ruby.
POD: Sick Boy
Today Jacob’s ears struck again. Once again my little guy has an ear infection. So off to the kids clinic we went, for some antibiotics. He spent the night in pain, I just hope it doesn’t bother him the entire March break.
POD: Violet tells stories
This morning, or Last night depending how you look at it, Violet pulled out different books from her room and brought them to Mommy and explained what she liked about them all. It was an attempt to stay awake, and it worked for a while, but in the end sleep found her. Of course that …
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POD: Pizza University
Today Jacob’s Beaver troop headed to the Pizza Pizza University. They had a great time, first learning about Pizza Pizza and then getting to make their own pizzas.
POD: Rudy goes to the Vet
Today we headed to the vet with Ruby. She did really well, even when she got her needles. It was strange being at the vet. Last time we were there was to put our cat to sleep.
POD: Jacob’s Test
Today I thought I would take a moment to congratulate my boy, who scored 33 out of 33 on his last math test. I’m so proud of the little guy.
POD: Celebrating with Friends
Today we got together our friends, Bill, Jen and their son Ben. We did some outdoor skating and Celebrated Bill’s birthday with some pizza and cake.