Today Violet had a special outing with her god mother, so little Nate came to our place for a visit. It was great to have the little guy around for the afternoon. He seemed really interested in the WiiU. Got to get him gaming young.
POD: Ready for the Season to Start
Today Violet had her hockey tryout skate. She was so excited to get out there and show off her skills for the league coaches. It took a little while for her to get used to the ice again, but before long she was skating like a pro. Jacob seemed a little disappointed that his league …
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POD: Date Night Selfie
Tonight Melissa and I shared an unexpected date night, and you would think on a night like this I might use a picture of the 2 of us, or maybe some of our dates activities. I decided to go another way. I captured a selfie while waiting for our movie to start. Now a selfie …
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POD: MineCraft Getaway
Today we have a picture from one of my MineCraft worlds. It’s taken a while for me to try it, but with Jacob spending so much time playing I thought I should give it a try. It’s a surprisingly addictive game, one that I’m really enjoying playing with my boy.
POD: Rubys Small Stick
Today while we were out for a walk Ruby found her self a little stick. So out came the camera and I had a picture of the day.
POD: What is this Daddy?
Today Jacob asked me a question that I never really expected to hear. He held up todays picture of the day and asked, What’s this Daddy? I couldn’t help but laugh, we’ve all see the posts online saying our kids wouldn’t know what things were, I just didn’t expect it so soon. I asked him …
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Tech Tuesday: A Big Unboxing
For months I’ve known it was time to get a new computer, but it’s a hard thing to pick a computer. This week I finally pulled the trigger and got a new computer. Well work pulled the trigger, but I picked what it was aimed at. I considered a number of options for my computer, …
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POD: Back at the Asthma Clinic
With the start of the school year we must prepare for Jacob’s season of sickness. So before he actually is sick we had his usual check up at the asthma clinic to make sure we were stocked with all the right medications. Melissa captured today’s picture of the day during his breathing test at the …
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Updating Geek with Kids
If you are a regular reader of Geek With Kids you might have noticed something different with the site. Last Friday I launched an updated look for With the new look i hope to bring a renewed focus in writing. I’m hesitant to talk about the changes I have planned Considering how many times …
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POD: Chess Lesson with Granddad
Today Jacob got a short chess lesson from my Dad. It’s the first of what we hope to be many lessons. Jacob really seems interested in learning to play chess and I’m so glad that my dad is able to teach him. I might have to keep an eye on these lessons, I might pick …
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