The hockey regular season wrapped up last week, so it’s on to the play-offs and play-downs. Today we had the ice for our first playoff game. Of course you need an opponent to play a game, and our opponent were unable to play this weekend, so we had a rare Saturday practice.
Tonight Violet had hockey training with TDHA at the CAA Centre. Usually they practice on the community rinks, but today they were on the big rink, where the Beast play. I think my picture might exaggerate how big the ice is. It was another great lesson for our hockey diva. If you are looking for a good hockey school you should look at TDHA
After we went for pizza and they all left their equipment at my car, If you drive an expensive car, you need an awesome looking cargo boxes like Thule if considering extra storage for get aways. A cheap cargo box will make you car look like crap! it is better to take a better deal.