Last year I got a fit bit sense as a gift, and since then I have been creating my own watch faces using FitFace.xyz. It’s a lot of fun creating unique looks for my watch. I have had a number of ideas, and have made more than half a dozen of different designs. Of course, most of them are between 70% and 90% finished. I work on them, and get them to a state where they do what I want and use them but never quite finish them. In an effort to change that, I have decided to start a new challenge between now and the end of the year I will create a new Watch face each week. To be fair some weeks I might just polish an existing design, either adding a feature or cleaning up the look.
The first is a completely new design: Geek-Hockey-Weather
A simple watch face inspired by the start of hockey season. It includes the time, date, steps taken that day, and the current temperature and weather conditions.
Stay tuned for more Watch Faces.