Tonight before the kids headed off to bed we sat down and wrote out Valentine’s for their classes. It was fun to watch them each filling out the cards for their classmates.
POD: Family Game Night
Tonight after dinner the kids cleared the table, and out came the Monopoly Junior. It was fun sitting around the table as a family playing a board game. I really think we should do it more often. I wonder what game we will play next time.
POD: Report Card Day
Today the kids brought home their report cards, it’s the first year where we don’t have a parent teach conference to go with the report card. My picture of the day is from Violet’s report card. I think it’s of our family or maybe her friends. I didn’t get a chance to ask her as …
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POD: Beavers head to the Ice Path
Today Jacob’s Beavers Troop headed to the outdoor Ice Path for some skating. I’ve chosen this picture of Jacob as waits for the other beavers to hit the ice. It was fun to watch him and his friends playing around on the ice. He had so much fun he didn’t want to leave. Even the …
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POD: Jacob’s Special Day
Today Melissa and I had a special day with Jacob. We went for a lunch just the three of us, before heading to the Movies to watch the Lego Movie. For my picture of the day I snuck it while Melissa was taking a picture of Jacob,It was a great day, we all loved the …
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POD: Saturday at the Rink
It wouldn’t be a Saturday in winter if there wasn’t hockey. Today our day started with Violet’s game rescheduled for 7:45 am. She did really well considering that she’s not usually a morning person. Jacob’s was at 4 so we had a long break between games. We had a full day in between and after …
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POD: Returning Home
Vacation is over. This morning we left the resort and headed to the airport to return to Toronto. I think these two pictures we took from the plan capture the differences perfectly. The left was taken as we left Mexico, the right as we arrived at Toronto. Even with all the snow and freezing temperatures …
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POD: Mikado
For our last supper in Mexico we headed to a Japanese restaurant were they cooked our food at the table. It was great, though it’s also sad to think this will be our last meal here, we board our bus to head home at 6:30 am . I will miss the warmth of Mexico and …
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POD: Fun in the Sun and Snow
Today for my picture of the day I have a picture of Melissa and I enjoying the hot sun, with a picture of the kids enjoying the snow at Aunt Kelly and Uncle Let’s place. As much fun as the kids look like they are having, I’m glad to be in the warmth of Mexico.
POD: Surprise Guests for Breakfast
Today was our first full day in sunny Mexico, and we’ve discovered a couple of stowaways. So it seemed only fair to take them with us to breakfast. We took them with us all day and got pictures of them doing a few different things, but for now I’ll just share this one at breakfast, …
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