POD: Our new Dishwashers

Violet loves doing dishes.  Over the last week she’s been asking to do them pretty much everyday. Tonight after dinner was no exception,  but This time Jacob said he wanted to do them.  So they started arguing our who should be allowed to.  I suggested that one should was and the other one dry,  this …
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POD: Welcoming the New Year

From Picture of the Day 2013 Once again a new year is approaching and my little man has fallen asleep before it arrives.  We were going to have our usual family celebration, but with Jacob, Melissa and I all feeling sick we are having a low-key night. Violet has gone to her God Mothers house …
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POD: Outdoor Skating with the Family

From Picture of the Day 2013 Today the family headed out to the local Ice Path, for some skating fun. The kids loved going around the figure 8, racing each other and Melissa and I. It was great fun. I’m just sad that it’s the first time we’ve been there this winter. We’ll have to …
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