Today Jacob got a short chess lesson from my Dad. It’s the first of what we hope to be many lessons. Jacob really seems interested in learning to play chess and I’m so glad that my dad is able to teach him. I might have to keep an eye on these lessons, I might pick …
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Dear Violet
All summer long I have watched you grow up, you are becoming so independent. Until something happens and you want your Daddy (or Mommy). Of course even when you want us, you aren’t always ready to tell us the real reasons. When you fell from the bouncy castle it was hours after you hurt your …
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POD: Jacobs new chore
Every morning Melissa or I get up early to walk Ruby, usually we find Jacob already awake entertaining himself. This morning I came down to walk ruby and found Jacob taking her out of the door for her morning bathroom break. He insisted on doing it himself, evening picking up the poo. The only problem …
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