Today we take a look at what’s become my primary source of Caffeine. A while ago I decided to cut back on the Diet Coke. So instead of doing the smart thing and replacing the pop with water I replaced it with coffee. I’m now thinking about cutting back on the coffee, but it hasn’t …
Continue reading Project 365-077: Coffee
Project 365-072: Laundry Day
It’s amazing as the 2 hampers I had sorted last night turns into these 6 dryers today. While Jacob and Violet were with Nana and Papa, Melissa and I spent the afternoon in the Laundromat catching up on laundry. Though it was a long day it feels good to have it all done.
Project 365-067: Walking to school
Today I was lucky enough to walk Jacob to pre-school. It was a beautiful day to walk down to the lake, and Jacobs excitement about going to school makes it a special time. It don’t usually walk him, his class starts at 9:15 which means when I walk him I don’t get to work till …
Continue reading Project 365-067: Walking to school
Project 365-066: A young Artist
This morning while Violet napped Jacob was playing in his room. I found him drawing on his Doodle Pad. He was really getting into it. So maybe the Pre-school is paying off.
Project 365-063: Popcorn
Tonight after the kids went to bed Melissa asked me to make popcorn. I thought about it for a little while, then pulled out our little air popper. Its a smaller popper and not very good, but it does the job.
Project 365-62: Climbing in the cold
One perk of my job is that I can work from home one day a week. I helps our child car and allows me to send time with the kids. During the day today it seemed like such a nice day that I bundled the kids up and headed out for a short trip to …
Continue reading Project 365-62: Climbing in the cold
Project 365-060: Texas Hoagie
After a morning meeting at a clients downtown I found myself at the Wheat Sheaf Tavern for lunch, and when at the Wheat Sheaf there is really only one thing I can order. The Texas Hoagie.
Quick Note From the Wilds
Last night was a long night and unfortunately it didn’t end when the sun came up. I would love to go into all the details today but circumstances are preventing that from happening, for now here are view of the highlights. Jacob was taken to the hospital because of an asthma attack and unlike earlier …
Continue reading Quick Note From the Wilds
Project 365-051: Looking In
Today after returning from my suit fitting, I packed the family in the car and headed out. After strapping our to bundles of Joy in, I couldn’t help but snap this picture. At the time I opened the door and took a second picture. Thinking that the reflection would ruin this one, but when I …
Continue reading Project 365-051: Looking In
Revisiting the inbox
Last year in my old blog I ran a series of posts about Taming the Inbox. Where I talk about trying to get a handle on my 6+ email accounts and looking for a solution for managing my mail. I wanted to find something that was as flexible as I needed, worked well from multiple …
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