I spent last night trying to figure out how I would get up to the sporting life at Young and Eglington(Actually quite a bit north of Eglington). Today the stars aligned and I found myself heading up to the area for work. So I skipped lunch and picked up my race kit for Sunday’s Sporting …
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POD: Fueling up!
Today Melissa and I headed to the Running room and got me some Gu. Energy Gel. It seems strange that my runs are now long enough that I need an energy boost in the middle of them.
POD: First Race (29:34)
Today was race day. After 10 months of running mostly alone on the local streets I finally got into an organized race. Running with a crowd adds a new dimension to running that I didn’t really expect. Though It was a great experience and though I fell short of my ultimate goal of under 28 …
Continue reading POD: First Race (29:34)
Over the last 10 months running has become a major part of my life. It seems to have snuck up on me. It has gone from a chore I was doing to lose weight to something that I really enjoy and miss when I am unable to do it. It has really surprised me how …
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POD: The Streets are calling
Today our fair city got a sprinkling of snow, leaving the streets picturesque. What surprised me most was how I felt walking home from work, I wanted to go home get into my running gear and hit the streets. I wonder were this running monster came from, but there it is. Under the surface there …
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New Challenges for a New Year
A new year begins and with it I find myself reflecting on the year that was and planning for the year ahead. So lets start by looking back at the 3 geeky challenges I set for myself last January 1st. There were 3, Finding my Blogging Voice, Project 365, and Coding Challenge. Over all I’m …
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Project 365-319: Soaking my feet
It wood seem that all my running has taken a tool on my feet. So today I thought I would take some time to make them feel better.
Project 365-299: Preparing for Rain
After taking Monday night off I knew I needed to run tonight, but I was greeted by rain when I left the office this evening, and I thought my chances of a run tonight were shot. I am not a fan of running in the rain, but as the evening wore on I decided that …
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Project 365-287: Proof of change
Today Melissa and I popped into Old Navy looking for a new running shirt. While there we noticed the jeans were on sale, so I thought I would try on a pair. The surprising thing I found was that my waist was down to a 34, back in august I was inspired when I picked …
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Project 365-283: Calm before the Storm
Tomorrow is our family Thanksgiving dinner. We’re not having a big affair, just our little family and my mom and Niece. We didn’t want it to be to big this year, but still feel that we should be celebrating the holiday. So in preparation for eating entirely too much tomorrow, and having eaten too much …
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