I seem to like challenging myself, I have my blog everyday challenge and my 365 challenge (to be fair they have shortage merged). More importantly they have worked. So now I am going to add a new challenge. A sleep challenge. I have spent the summer trying to become a healthier person, with varying degrees …
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Project 365-258: Joining Weight Watchers
Well today I took a step I’ve been debating all summer. Today I joined weight watchers. I’ve been loosing weight sence spring, working out and trying to eat better. Well as I’ve watched my weight hover around the 240s for the last 6 weeks it became clear that I needed to get serious about what …
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Upgrading my Running
September is going to be an important month for my running, I want to get out at least twice a week for a run on the street, but also I want to recommit to the Gym. With at least one trip a week, hopefully 2. I’m not sure what I’ll be doing at the gym, …
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Project 365-237: Getting back out there
Today I headed out for a run, It’s been almost 10 days since I’ve gone out for a run. Last time I was out I pulled a muscle in my thigh and haven’t been able to run. After re-injuring my muscle on the weekend I figured as soon as I thought I could handle it. …
Continue reading Project 365-237: Getting back out there
Project 365-228: Betrayed…
Today I headed out for my run like usual. Though it didn’t end like usual, about 2 maybe 3 minutes into my run I feel something in my leg. My calf to be precise, at first I thought it was nothing and tried to run on. That unfortunately didn’t work out. I soon found my self …
Continue reading Project 365-228: Betrayed…
Project 365-176: Evening Ride with Jacob
For my evening workout Jacob climbed into the trailer and I hoped on my bike and away we went. When we started I wasn’t sure where we were going, I just knew I wanted to ride for at least 30 minutes, and Jacob wanted to go to a park to eat his skittles. View Larger …
Continue reading Project 365-176: Evening Ride with Jacob
Project 365-173: 20 Pounds and count…
Ever since Melissa joined Jenny I have struggled with how I would lose the weight that I need to lose. So far I haven’t found an eating plan that I can stick to. After a day or to I always seem to fall off the wagon, with junk food snack her or forgetting to log …
Continue reading Project 365-173: 20 Pounds and count…
Beyond the Gym
I find it strange how the Gym has become the focus of my working out, when I started it was running. When we joined the gym my running seemed to take a back seat. To be fair the gym has a lot of perks, no weather, good equipment, sauna but I think that I’m missing …
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Project 365-170: After Workout Snack
Tonight was another night at the gym so when I got home I grabbed a snack from tube fridge
Becoming a Gym Rat
For the last couple of weeks I’ve been trying to write about the changes our family is going through, from diet to exercise and a lot of things in between, but it seems that I can never find the words. So today I set aside what I’ve written and started fresh. I’ve taken a step …
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