Category:Mobile Mondays
Mobile Mondays: Angry Birds Seasons
At the beginning of December Angry Birds Seasons came to the Android Market Place. I had resisted the temptation to install Angry Birds since it came to android. We’ve purchased it for Melissa’s iPhone and iPod Touch so I’ve felt the addictive nature of the game. With Seasons I broke down and installed it. Many …
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Mobile Monday: Fancy Widget
Today’s app isn’t an app at all, it’s a Widget. Fancy Widget is a simple widget that shows Time, Date and weather on your home screen. I’ve tried a few different widgets for this but overall I like the clean look of this one best. Though in truth I’m not sure if I like devoting …
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Mobile Monday: Pulse
Mobile Monday: Good Morning (Alarm App)
This weeks App is Good Morning, an alarm clock with a few interesting features. Instead of just blasting an alarm sound it will say the date, time, weather and a personalized message. You can use either an alarm sound or music for your alarm. The pro-version adds reading your Calendar entries and multiple alarms, I’m still …
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Mobile Monday: ColorNote
Mobile Mondays: AnyPost
Mobile Mondays: CallTrack
Today we have a simple app that I sometimes forget I have installed on my phone. CallTrack can record every call you Make, Receive or Miss to a Google calendar. The event shows who you called and for how long you talked. For me it’s probably a little silly, I don’t need to track my usage …
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Mobile Mondays: Aldiko
Ever since I got my first Palm Pilot I have read E-books. You can read about the software I used on my old Windows Mobile Phone here. So one of the first applications I searched the market for was an E-books reader. When I first looked the options were limited, though now a number of major …
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Mobile Monday: Quick Settings
Todays mobile Monday application is Quick Settings. It’s an all-in-one settings application for Android. With support for a ton of settings including, Mobile Data, GPS, Brightness and more. Being able to quickly turn on or off systems on your phone can really extend battery life. There are plenty of widgets that can place similar controls on the …
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