Today’s picture of the day was captured during tonight’s practice. I usually don’t take pictures at practice, but I couldn’t help but capturing this moment of the coach talking to his forwards.
Category:Picture of the Day
POD: Tasty Festive Treat
Today we have a picture of the festive Ricecrispy treat Melissa and I made for my picture of the day. Every time we make Ricecrispy Squares I’m reminded how easy they are to make, and wonder why we don’t make them more often. but then
POD: Back to Ball Hockey
After weeks of recovery, Violet had a chance to get back out for a game of ball hockey. It was great tonseenher out there. Ball Hockey today, Ice hockey next week.
POD: Grill Cheese Burger
Today’s picture of the day was captured at dinner. The menu sounded interesting, Grill Cheese Burger. I thought it would be a burger patty between grill cheese sandwiches. Turned out it was a burger made like a grill cheese. While not what we expected it was still very delicious.
POD: Air Fryer Snack
Ever since we got our AirFryer last Christmas, I’ve loved making fries, just clean and cut a potato, add olive oil salt and a few secrete spices and 15 to 20 minutes later a delicious snack.
POD: Night at the Theater
Tonight Melissa and Violet head to the theater for a lady’s night.
POD: Violet’s Lounge
The last year has seen a lot of transformations around our home. So as I look for different things for my POD I will share some of the highlights. Today it’s Violets little Lounge.
POD: Back on the Ice
After what feels like an eternity, Violet was back on the ice with her team for the first practice of 2024. It’s the first time she’s been able to give it her all since braking her collar bone during a game in November.
POD: New Year Treat
Today, Melissa and I made a special Treat for the New Year. A massive tray of Nuts and Bolts. So whatnbetternimagentonyluse for my first picture of the day for 2024.
POD: Another day of Lacrosse
After our regular two games Saturday, and Sunday was filled with Team Ontario practice. It was impressive to see how Team Ontario runs its practices. The drills were different and seemed more advanced than her regular practices.