Getting home to a nice cooked meal is always great, and Melissa does it when ever she can. Tonight was a night that she managed, well shortage. She had the Salid, Veggies and rice done, but I BBQed the chicken when I got home. Any time I girt to cook on flame its a good …
Continue reading Project 365-172: Domestic Mama
Category:Project 365
Project 365-171: Picture Time
Today was a day to renew healthcards for me and Jacob. While Jacob still wont have a picture on his I took it anyway
Project 365-170: After Workout Snack
Tonight was another night at the gym so when I got home I grabbed a snack from tube fridge
Project 365-169: 17 Months
Yesterday marked a milestone of sorts for my little girl and I missed it. She turned 17 Months old. Where does the time go, it seems everyday she becoming more of a little girl and less of my baby girl.
Project 365-167: Spooooon!
Today at breakfast Violet was being very grumpy and not letting me feed her. So I said fine do it yourself and handed her the spoon and watched what she’d do with it. She sure showed me. She went right at it and ate up her cereal using the spoon. She’s been feeding herself finger …
Continue reading Project 365-167: Spooooon!
Project 365-165: Enjoying the Patio
Today we found the whole family around at dinnertime so I fired up the grill and threw on some turkey sausages. Melissa threw together some veggies and we ate on the patio. I captured this moment of mommy and daughter after Jacob had headed back to the playground to play with his friends.
Project 365-164: Meatballs anyone
Today after skating I took the kids out to Ikea to get some swedish meatballs. It seems a strange place to go for dinner, but it was Jacobs choice. Of course I have been meaning to look for a new desk, didn’t find one tbough. In the picture Jacob and Violet play after dinner before …
Continue reading Project 365-164: Meatballs anyone
Project 365-163: Temptation
When Violet was diagnosed with her allergy to all nuts I decided that the best way to be sure that she doesn’t come into contact with nuts would be to stop eating them myself. This would keep the it in mind when I’m around her. So far I’ve only been semi successful at this. I don’t take …
Continue reading Project 365-163: Temptation
Project 365-162: Taking a bike for a walk
Today while I BBQed dinner Violet pulled out Jacob’s Backyardigans bike and took it for a walk.
Project 365-162: Carpet Cleaning
Today we tackled some of the spring cleaning jobs we’d been putting off. Like cleaning our carpets. It was a lot of work but we got most of it done and It feels good knowing its done.